The Most Romantic Proposal EVER In a McDonalds Drive Thru (She Didn’t Think It Was All That Romantic)

I met my girlfriend 2 years ago in LA. I’ve never been good at planning in advance which is why we wound up ending our first date at this exact McDonalds. She joked for months about how 10 years down the road I would probably propose to her in a chicken nugget box so I thought she would love when I surprised her this way. She didn’t love it like the way I thought she would. We agreed to wait longer until it’s time to get engaged
Oh well BOO FUCKING HOO, she didn’t find the chicken sandwich proposal too flattering. Ya think you know a girl and then she breaks down in tears when you go out of your way to propose in the most romantic way possible. That diamond sticking up out of the McChicken pretty much turned me gay. I tried to jump through my computer screen and accept the proposal, but I can’t because computer screens don’t work that way. I mean look at this ungrateful ho
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just sobbing her eyes out. Every girl plans out their dream proposal and wedding since the age of 5, who would have thought hers wouldn’t be in the drive thru of a McDonalds with a ring covered in mayo? Like, really, how was he supposed to know she was expecting a rainbow and flowers and all that? Gosh, girls are so difficult to please these days.