Let’s Talk Pin Action

Hope you girls got a chance to follow along last night as I live tweeted my way through the first round round of the 2020 pba playoff bracket. Jakob Butturf’s 10th frame strikeout to win by 1 is more than enough reason to go back and taste some PBA results from last night. And here’s another: that guy above is like watching Giannis grow up before your very eyes. That’s Marshall Kent and he’s not going anywhere. Power. Grace. Tradition. He has such a sweet mix to his game it’s impossible not to respect. and of course we value his ability to find the camera and wink. No disrespect to Chris Via last night or his moms cookies. It’s just that Marshall had a better 10-frames. Sometimes it comes down to that.

Other highlights: 

Dick Allen is my spirit animal 

Frankie has one of my all time favorite deliveries. So fucking polished. 9 strikes last night en route to the biggest score of the night on a Don Carter 39 foot oil pattern. Excuse me for respecting the shit out of that 


One of the most electric finishes I’ve seen in a long time. He gets the right to challenge Belmo in the 2nd round which has me nervous just thinking about. Fortunately I’m not the one rolling balls tho. No way I could handle that kind of action on the big stage. Butters on the other hand should have it covered. Someone told me God was on his side