Video: Guys Get Caught on a Doorbell Cam Pretending to Raise Money for a HS Football Team. At the Team's Coach's House.

I post this not as some PSA about the dangers of giving money to total strangers or to raise awareness about what is, based on the comments on this video, probably a pretty common scam. Because frankly I think if you're going to allow someone you don't know to interrupt your evening - especially two clearly unathletic guys who look to be in their early 20s but claim to be high school running backs - and hand them your money no questions asked? You don't deserve your money. You're too stupid to keep it. Like Worm put it to Mike in "Rounders," it would be immoral for them not to take your money.

No, I'm posting this for the sheer entertainment value. The way this guy's pitch is to sound so sincere and earnest. "Me and my partner, we're raising money for Covina High School football, and we're working really hard, sir." Like he's Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass and his dad the Army officer just dropped him off at TC Williams High. 

Then the way he walks right into the trap the guy sets for him. Like the minute the homeowner starts with "It's funny you bring that up because I know for a fact that you guys don't go to Covina because I teach there," they should've realized they'd been made. But nope. Even after he drops the hammer, "I'm a football coach at Covina, they still keep up the grift. 

What's the name of the head coach? "Uh ... Hernandez." Fucking hysterical. He just spat out the first name that popped into his head. Like Dwight Schrute claiming the dentist he went to was Dr. Crentist. Like at what point do you just grab your partner in crime and bolt? 

Seriously, I don't know how anyone can scam anybody these days. Between doorbell cameras, the fact that everybody's home more than they've ever been before in history and just the general impolite disdain and total lack of lack of respect we have for each other, it's got to be the worst time ever to be a common crook.