We've Got An Old Fashioned Good News / Bad News Situation With Nick Chubb

Alright, let's ask the age old question: what do you guys want first, the good news or the bad news?

***First of all, the correct answer is to always say the good news. I know that a lot of people would rather rip off the bandaid immediately, but sometimes the bad news is so awful that you can't even enjoy the good news. Let yourself enjoy the good while you can, and then take the bad on the chin and see how bad it hurts. So yeah, that's how we're going to do this.

Good News:

Okay!!!! Man, when he first went down yesterday, I thought he was done for the season. He looked like he was in some serious pain. But when he walked himself off the field, I became more and more optimistic that it could be something less serious. And it appears that we're going to avoid surgery. Nick Chubb WILL be back this season. That is some great news.

Bad News:

Ouch. 6 weeks is going to be rough, no doubt about it. Looks like he's definitely going to miss the Colts, Steelers, Bengals, and Raiders games. But thank god John Dorsey gave Kareem Hunt a 2nd chance because while it's going to suck to lose potentially the best RB in the league, we still have a very viable, very dangerous option in the backfield. We're going to make it through this alive. We're sitting here at 3-1……if we can come out of this at 5-3 I'll be just fine with it. 6-2 and I'll be ecstatic. And then we'll go into a Bye and hopefully have him back for Week 10 vs. the Texans.

Official Response:

Giphy Images.

I'm honestly fine with the outcome for what it could've been. Just rest up, get your body right, and be ready to be ridden like horse for the playoff stretch.