This Giant Bison Is The Puppy You've Always Needed

Sometimes I wonder, did we do it all wrong when we started domesticating animals?  Seriously, I love dogs and cats but how did we miss the part where we could have made Bison our best friends. Like I'm talking house pet type of thing.  Granted, an immediate reservation is that we'd have to widen all the doorways in our houses a lot more than they are now, but honestly that sounds more convenient anyways right?  Have you ever tried to move a couch out of a room? Its impossible to fit through the doorway without clipping your fingers and hurting yourself.  That never happening is only one pretty positive side effect we may have experienced had we domesticated Bison many moons ago.

I know what you're going to say, well wouldn't they trample/gore/beat the living shit out of us from time to time?  Uh no offense to man's best friend, but there were 48 deaths in the United States last year from dog bites.  Its not like we completely erased the element of danger in our pet options right now.  Plus, we've been breeding dogs for thousands of years now, what if we had tiny little Bison we had bred down by now that were the size of a Jack Russell Terrier?  That sounds DELIGHTFUL!  Just something to think about folks...

For all the people charging forward with their pitchforks already in their hands ready to attack on the basis of how wrong it is to "feed wild animals and ruin national parks"... the guy who sent it in was at a farm and this Bison was a pet that was raised there as a pet.  Supposedly its been fed a million times, hence not ruining any of our native wildlife.  Please take a second to give the benefit of the doubt before losing your mind and it might be an easy way to lower your blood pressure!