Paralyzed Man Being Able To Take A Drink From His Beer Thanks To Mind-Controlled Arm Is A Win For Man Kind

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Hell yes!  Science!  Gotta love it!  Because I don’t care who you are.  Every man should have the opportunity to take a drink from his own beer.  Science stepping up to the plate and making that a possibility for that paralyzed man.  A beautiful thing.  No, I don’t understand a lot about science.  It has always eluded me and my stupid brain.  You know how sometimes a subject was just easy for you?  Like you were meant to learn it? I’m the complete opposite with science.  I failed chemistry in high school as hard as you can fail a class.  I cheated off a girl for awhile but even that got too tedious to the point where I simply gave up.  But that doesn’t mean science isn’t awesome. It clearly is.  I mean, mind-controlled arms?  Are you kidding me?  That’s the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever heard of.  So cheers to that guy and his beer.  He didn’t just sip it either.  He went ahead and finished the damn thing.  Like a boss.  Here’s to many more.