Happy 35th Birthday To Our King

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Happy 35th birthday to our king, the greatest goal scorer I've ever seen, and Stanley Cup champion, Alexander Ovechkin. I cannot believe he is 35 years old…I wish he could just slam the breaks on the whole aging thing. Feel like just yesterday he was barely of drinking age, sliding on his back scoring one of the most miraculous goals these eyes have ever seen



And now he's a husband and father of two future NHL all stars, chasing down Wayne Gretzky's goal record, with a Stanley Cup to his name. 

Will Ovi break Gretzky's 894 mark? It's entirely up to him. He sits right now at 706, coming out of a 48 goal in 68 games season. Had the coronavirus not shut down the season early, he would have broken 50 yet again, obviously. But to break the record, all he's looking at is averaging 38 goals a season for the next 5 seasons, or 32 a season for the next 6. With no signs of slowing down, this is incredibly possible, just a matter of if he wants to do it or if he wants to retire and spend more time with his family. 

Either way, his legacy is set. And I'm glad his legacy includes not just winning a Cup, but also being the People's Champion. Nobody hates Ovi anymore. Nobody talks shit about Ovi anymore. Once he started showing his personality he won over every fan in the NHL. 

So happy 35th birthday to one of the best to ever do it. Love you so much. And please play in Washington another 10 years, tysm.