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This Classic Laviolette Intermission Pep Talk Will Have You Ready To Skate Through A Brick Wall


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That's how you give an intermission pep talk. Good gravy. I cannot imagine Todd Reirden got anywhere close to this level of fired up between periods. I'm sure he tried, but Todd, gosh bless him, just was never that firey of a guy. Even when a ref would call some dog shit penalty, he'd just stand there behind the bench, passively. I always wanted to see more emotion out of him, something to let me know he was on the same wavelength as the rest of us, but we never got it out of him.

Laviolette is different. He's cut from a different cloth. He would take a steel chair over the head of a ref if nobody was looking. I worry a little that he's too intense and Ovi will be like "oh fuck this", but Ovi is a competitor and loves winning, so I think he will rise to the challenge. 

Kuzy though…buddy…I have a bad feeling about Kuzy. Guy could be an All Star every season if he gave even 80% effort day in and day out, but unfortunately he's never shown that he wants to do that. I am very worried about his future in DC under Laviolette.

Awesome speech though. Reminds me of the classic Bruce Boudreau speech. Who by the way, would be a great assistant coach under Lavi. What a duo that would be.