Parents Feeding Their Baby Avocado For The First Time

Hey here’s an idea – stop shoving avocado in your baby’s mouth because she clearly fucking hates it. Oh you read somewhere that its good for their brain huh? Well doesnt matter how big their brain is when your kid grows up emotionally scarred because her mom kept force feeding her avocado all day long. Practically tortured this poor kid with this shit. Good luck paying those therapy bills when little Autumn here is on the couch telling the doctor about how her mother used to waterboard her with avocado when she was an infant.

I dont think I built up the courage to eat avocado until I was like 25. Guacamole is delicious but I wasnt brave enough to eat that weird green gooey shit until I was out of college. So I think we can give the 6 month old a pass. Making the kid jump from boob milk to some weird green Mexican fruit vegetable thing is just cruel and unusual punishment.