Dad Makes Son Smash Up His Xbox With A Sledge Hammer Because He Got Bad Grades In School



BRUTAL.  That’s cruel and unusual punishment right there.  Ground the kid.  Take away his internet privileges.  Do whatever.  The kid got bad grades and deserves to be punished.  That makes sense.  But don’t make him smash up the things he cares about most.  At that age, video games are the best thing in a kid’s life.  Bar none.  Friends are okay and girl are still girls but video games are life.  Between video games and masturbation there isn’t time for much else at that age.  That Dad basically made his son murder his best friends in cold blood.  It would’ve been one thing if the Dad had smashed the Xbox but it’s a whole different animal making him do it himself.  You can hear the fear and sadness in his voice.  PLEASE DON’T MAKE ME MURDER MY BEST FRIENDS WITH A SLEDGE HAMMER.  WE’RE LIVING IN A SOCIETY.  I needed that kid to turn the hammer on his Dad in the worst way.  Take the power back.  One shift swing of the hammer at the camera and it’s a new ballgame.


PS- If my Dad had told me to smash up my N64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time after getting shitty grades I’d no longer have a Dad.  Simple as that.