What Would You Do If You Got Bitch Slapped By Your Boss At The Corporate Dinner?

As someone who succumbs to peer pressure rather easily, good for this guy. He was able to stand up to his boss and say "no, I won't drink," which is more will power than I've had in my entire life. Sadly for this guy, his moment of defiance was met with a goddamn Stockton Slap right to the fucking face. 


A new hire at a bank in Beijing was struck in the ear after refusing to drink alcohol with his boss at an evening dinner at a restaurant, in an incident that went viral on Chinese social media...

Why do bosses have to make everything so...tense? Like this company was out - probably having a lovely night on the town - when the bossman decided to just decides to smack this new hire like a goddamn bongo. The punishment is a tad extreme for refusing a drink. I mean, yeah, it's not the best look to turn down the bossman's request but no one wants to be the new guy who got too shitfaced at dinner. 

Giphy Images.

How are you even supposed to react to getting hit in the face by your boss? You have to quit, right? Even if that's like his dream job, you still have to quit. That has to be the most demoralizing feeling in the world. If, say, Kmarko was to smack me in the ear for a typo in a blog headline (it would be deserved), I'd crumple up into a ball and cease to exist. Thankfully, he would never do that. There's just no coming back from getting slapped by your boss. That's not even including the in-front-of-all-your-coworkers side of the coin. 

Unfortunately the two years of mandarin I failed in high school could not help me navigate any sort of Chinese social media enough to find this so-called video. It could very well be that it's blocked off, never for the likes of us to see. I hope that's not the case because, quite frankly, we need to see this man get smacked into next week by his boss, no less. 

Yang claimed his boss slapped his face right in front of other colleagues after he refused to drink a toast with another higher level boss. He apologized for not drinking and left the restaurant early for his own safety. As he reached the elevator, some colleagues still continued to harangue him, according to Yang.

Yang said he cannot drink alcohol for personal reasons and has not drunk in the past 10 years, and told his boss about it before the dinner. However, his boss insisted and demanded that he change his beverage to an alcoholic one.

Ah jeez. Talk about awkward. 

As if getting bitch slapped in front of the whole office wasn't bad enough. He then has to get taunted by everyone who just watched him get belittled. Honestly, this is my hell. It's like middle school all over again. 

Giphy Images.

These people apparently don't give up either. These goddamn hyenas followed him to the fucking elevator! to continue to make fun of him! What a mean fucking culture. 

Not to mention the fact that his boss KNEW he didn't drink. All of a sudden, I picture this company being some sort of evil tech company that sells technology to supervillains. From the flock of coworkers following him to the elevator to the boss just straight up ignoring his request not to drink and smacking him in the face. If you didn't know any better, you'd think this was a long lost episode of The Office because none of this seems like real life.

PS - what did the five fingers say to the face? Had to put this in because of the thumbnail.