Remember The Shots The 2004 Red Sox Took? Manny Ramirez Laced Them All With Viagra




Pedro and Manny are two of my favorite people on the planet. I could just sit here and listen to Pedro tell stories about Manny all day. But hands down the best there is that Manny slipped everyone dick pills in their shots before a baseball game? He’s Allen from the Hangover. Just a goofy, strange, hilarious man who’s looking to turn it up a notch. Oh no guys Mama Juana, gin and wine isn’t enough to get us going… we need Viagra too. You go up to the dish with two bats on you and we’ll really start hitting the ball, that’s science. And his hypothesis was proven true. World Series trophies don’t lie.




PS – My grandparents used to live in the same building as Manny. Favorite story is that when Manny was moving out after the season one year he forgot a trash bag in the lobby. All winter in the Dominican never called to see if he left it there or anything, but the doorman held onto it. When Manny got back the next summer someone at the front desk returned it, Manny opened it up and it was the Silver Slugger award. Just totally forgot about his very expensive and rare trophy, and he couldn’t have cared less.