Ramon Laureano Fought The Whole Houston Astros By Himself

Tired: Throwing at the Astros.

Wired: Charging the Astros bench with reckless abandon and fighting them with your fists.

Ramon Laureano got plunked twice in one afternoon and decided enough was enough. Fuck social distancing. Fuck the protocols. You hit me twice and then start chirping me from the bench I'm using my body as a human wrecking ball and going full send into your bench. I don't care if the rest of my team is as far away as they possibly can be. That's future Laureano's problem. All Ramon Laureano knew in that moment was that the Astros thought shit was sweet. Shit was not sweet, as a matter of fact, and he didn't care for the tone of their collective voice. And for someone with one of the most powerful outfield arms in the game today, I'm sure he packs quite a punch when he actually lands one. That didn't happen here today, as he was QUICKLY taken to the ground with little-to-know effort. But his point was made. Disrespect Lauerano and expect expeditious retribution. A lesson no one on that field will soon regret. 

PS - This guy is the biggest coward in professional baseball. Told Laureano to come get him and then hid behind the rest of the Astros like sliding doors.