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Arnold Schwarzenegger Continues To Kill Em With Kindness. Shuts Down Internet Commenter Who Called Him A Snowflake, With Wise Words.

Upworthy - …But so far as Arnold's "critic" goes, I challenge you to find a better example of someone lashing out behind the safety of a keyboard. The anonymous commenter apparently doesn't like Schwarzenegger chiming in on world events like the coronavirus or the president of Donald Trump, telling the former California governor: "Stick to lifting and making movies … Snowflake is a title you do not want."

Now, there are all kinds of ways an 8-time Mr. Universe could respond to being called a "snowflake." Simply put, Arnold's response is brilliant, taking an attempt to go negative and reminding everyone of the power of positive, constructive political dialogue:

"I never mind picking up new titles. Mr. Universe, Mr. Olympia, Terminator, Governor… If you want to call me Snowflake, that's fine - it would have been a fantastic Mr. Freeze line. But let me give you some advice. If you're going to call someone a snowflake because they believe in a different policy than you, you might want to look in the mirror. When you see an idea you disagree with, you can get angry, or you can learn. I'd recommend you research and learn and grow. You can still disagree - that's the best part about being American! But at least you can disagree with evidence and analysis. We can all be better if we don't simply react. Pause, reflect, learn, and then decide if you still want to call someone a Snowflake. Good luck with everything."

I got roasted pretty badly by the peanut gallery the last time I applauded Arnold a few months ago -

by a lot of pure souls who definitely have zero skeletons in their closets and are awaiting their canonizations upon their deaths and immediate ascensions into heaven. (The comment section has more of them than a 6am Sunday Mass. In Latin. We're blessed.)

I'm not here to argue the guys moral choices, banging maids, child rearing, etc. Just want to talk about his message here. 

This remains pretty on-brand here for Arnold which is why I like the guy. Call it common sense, common decency, whatever you want. 

It's gotten beyond ridiculous with the labeling, the branding, and the "canceling" of anybody and everybody who shares a different opinion or thought. 

Let's ignore the fact this guy called The Terminator a snowflake for a second and understand this applies to this case and the inverse. 

As Arnold stated - 

When you see an idea you disagree with, you can get angry, or you can learn. I'd recommend you research and learn and grow. You can still disagree - that's the best part about being American! But at least you can disagree with evidence and analysis. We can all be better if we don't simply react. Pause, reflect, learn, and then decide if you still want to call someone a Snowflake.

What the fuck happened to doing this? What the fuck happened to intelligent debate? To discourse? To being civil and agreeing to disagree and changing the subject back to the game or buying another round? 

Why is a guy who didn't even move to this country until he was 21 constantly reminding people born here about what the country was founded on?

Not going to drag this out into a long winded political blog but you get the point. 

And if you don't or your mind is too closed due to your hatred of Arnold or his politics then listen to what Bill Burr has to say about him and suck it.

p.s. - A+ joke with the Mr. Freeze reference. Got 'em

Giphy Images.

p.p.s. - today is his 73rd birthday. SEVENTY. THREE. YEARS. OLD.