John Wall Looks Fantastic


Boy is this nice to see. John Wall, man. Is he going to go down as one of the all-time "what could have been?" stories? I don't know if it's talked enough about how good prime John Wall is...or could have been, because I don't think we even saw him in his prime yet. He could take over a game with the best of them. Insane end to end speed. Chase down blocks on the reg


Giphy Images.


And then, injuries. 

Played 41 games in 2017-18, and then only 32 in 18-19. After surgery he then re-injured himself, causing another 12 month set back. 

But now, NOW, he looks GREAT.

Obviously he's not playing this bubble season, but boy, another 12 months of rehab and strength training and Wall might be lining up at TE for the Washington Football Team. (I love typing that. Because that's literally their name. I hope it never changes.) 

The Wiz have been a hard watch these recent years. Poor Bradley Beal putting the city on his back and getting no respect from the fans or writers. 



100% if Beal played anywhere else he'd be the darling of the NBA right now. Like, the media stays talking about Joel Embiid because he spouts off on social media and gets in fights in games, meanwhile Beal has back to back 50 point games and is averaging 30/6 and it's crickets. Maybe once Wall is back, Davis Bertans re-signs, Rui becomes a beast, and TBJ continues to develop….



…then we might actually have something nice here in Washington.