Stephen A Goes Off On The "Teenage Bloggers" (Me) Who Said His Insane Tom Brady Rant Was Stupid








I have no idea how to respond to this. I got a ton of tweets this afternoon that Stephen A called me a piece of shit and now that I’ve heard the audio I can’t even get worked up. Gotta tip your cap to Stephen A, he does good theater. The dude sounds like he’s standing in the middle of the ring at a WWE event. When this segment ends he must high five everyone around them and say “great take everybody!” because it’s just so clearly acting. What I said wasn’t even crazy, I had no idea he’d get worked up about it. I just said he was race-baiting by saying Tom Brady is afraid of being seen with Obama (who he has been seen with previously) but would have no problem being seen with Bush or Clinton. That’s race-baiting. If he just said Bush you could pretend it’s about political parties but when he threw in Clinton it became about race. That’s what Stephen A does. He acts like a moronic asshole, pretends to be offended and horrified, then gets people talking about it. And he’s excellent at it. Because here I am writing this blog that I don’t even want to write.




PS – How ’bout threatening to sue me if he didn’t have better stuff to do? Sure dude, you can have my 12 bucks.




PPS – Stephen A calling someone out for doing something “for clicks” is hysterical. Stevie, you exist solely for numbers. You exist to stir controversy, create stories out of nothing (as you’ve done here), and get more viewers. If ESPN gave a single fuck about real journalism then you would have been out on your ass years ago. That’s not opinion, it’s fact. So let’s relax with the thumbing the nose at people who do stuff “for clicks.”