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No Global Pandemic Was Going To Stop Julia Rose From Flashing Gerrit Cole Just Like She Did During The World Series

Hey COVID, tell me how those nipples taste! Coronavirus may have taken away roughly 2/3 of the baseball season, a smattering of players, and every fan in the stands. But it will not take away the spirit of baseball. Last night we had fans on Twitter freaking out like their team won the World Series every time a ball landed in fair territory, Angel Hernandez absolutely butchering the strike zone, and Julia Rose throwing her boobs right in Gerrit Cole's eyeballs. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. Those titties, this game. It's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds us of all that once was good, and it could be again.

By the way, the thought of Gerrit Cole logging onto Twitter last year to block Julia Rose's Twitter account while probably calling her a gosh darn vixen is laugh out loud funny and I imagine this is what Cole looked like once someone showed him her tweet from last night.

The innocent Opening Day bunting emoji clearly not knowing how the fuck it ended up in such a sexual tweet made me giggle and I bet this picture just cost Gerrit Cole at least one Hall of Fame vote down the road if his career continues on its current trajectory

For more of Julia's work, see below (Please divert your sweet, innocent eyes Gerrit)