ESPN Aired The College Video Game Championships "Heroes Of The Dorm" And It Was Riveting

Last night I’m watching a painfully slow, sloppy, shitty Mets performance in the Subway Series when suddenly I see that ESPN2 is airing a little something called Heroes of the Dorm. College video game championships. UC Berkeley vs. Arizona State. 5 game series in a video game called Heroes of the Storm – winning team gets free college for the rest of their career.

And it was electric. I mean it was absolutely riveting stuff. If I had to sum up my experience watching Heroes of the Dorm in one word…simply WOW:

Now everyone grew up playing video games. Everyone had that friend or younger brother that you made sit there and watch while you played the game. Well now watching video games has gone mainstream. So dont knock it till you try because it was fucking RIVETING. It starts out with a draft, which had full blown analysis from the video game version of McShay and Kiper:

And then gameplay begins. Now I want you to close your eyes. Imagine you’re watching a semi-professional video gamer on television. Now open your eyes. This is what you were imagining:

Berkeley massacring Arizona State with some sort of enormous fire breathing dragon had the crowd going wild. Thundersticks clapping, and “Wow” dude is eating a paper cup:

But ASU activates level 20 and completes the comeback!

How did they do that, you ask? SKULLS. 100 SKULLS:

And Jukes!

We head down to the announcers to learn how a Best of 5 Series works:

And straight out of an SNL skit this guy declares how proud he was of Arizona State for completing their comeback:

Really, its all about the announcers. They made this entire show. I’m not even kidding when I say these announcers murdered it. I have no idea what they were talking about but I know they did a fantastic job. They had energy. They had passion. They were technical masters. I mean listen to this one dude he’s like the Doc Emrick of video games:

And when it was all said and done, UC Berkely and homeboy with the yellow glasses took down the title

And then its time for hugs from mom:

Its….wow. Just WOW

Unbelievable. Just an incredible television experience. Gotta love the fact that ESPN just gave up on the NHL and stopped airing professional hockey games but the Worldwide Leader has video games covered. No joke experts predict this will be bigger than the NFL by 2017. Not actually sure if that is true but I saw someone tweet that, so good enough for me! Pro video gaming is here to stay bitches!