NY Congressman Says Not To Celebrate A-Rod Home Run Marks

When I think of people who should be criticizing people on the ways they tried to make it to the top, I would probably put politicians at the bottom of that list. I’m sure there are some nice ones, and I hope to one day be a moderately scummy one, but I bet it would take about 2 days to find something this guy has done wrong. Just from Googling his name, you can see he openly supported the Wall Street Bailout, began his career supporting the IRA and I’m sure if ARod had someone do a little digging there, it wouldn’t be hard to find a problem.  Plus being a Long Island guy, he’s probably a Met fan.

Coming into this season, people said ARod should just walk away because he has “enough money”, well now he should put that money to use by having someone look into all of his haters. So many people were taking steroids but ARod continues to be the guy everyone points to even though he never failed a test. He at least cared enough to do a good job hiding it, like when you cheat on someone you care about. Real love.

Either way, the Yankees are going to pay ARod his money. They had no problem making money off him on the way to 660 when they knew there was a chance he was tainted. There was no issue celebrating his 600th home run and making money off of it a year after he had admitted in a blue lipped interview that he took PEDs in the past, so why is there a problem now? The smart move would be to market the shit out of ARod approaching the milestone against a Mets team that is playing well, on a Yankees team that is exceeding expectations. The guys outside the stadium will be making money off shirts for the milestone, so the Yankees should too and just keep the positive momentum going.