Some Photographer's Drone Fell Into The Ocean And Captured Him Running To Try To Save It

Mashable – When Australian photographer Ryan Chatfield took his drone out for a spin over a local beach on Monday night, he nearly lost it in the ocean below.

But determined to save his drone and its footage, Chatfield broke into an impressive sprint across the beach, over wet rocks and into the water. He saved it at the last moment and recovered the footage — which included his frantic chase after it.


Normally I’d be cool with some dude hauling ass to try to save his very expensive purchase but just watching this Ryan Chatfield run down the boardwalk, I was overcome with a desire to watch him fall on his ass and severely injure himself on the rocks. Especially when I saw his description of his own video on YouTube:

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Was it a “classic catch,” Ryan? Was it really? You gingerly walked down some rocks before the drone softly landed in your hands. Lucky catch for sure. But classic? Not in a million years. Dude even got gassed on that last stretch run and barely made it over the rocks before it. I’m just so sick of these drone nerds being so proud of themselves for everything. Whoop dee fucking doo you can afford a magical flying machine that captures video and photos from above. I have a crockpot and a Wii U, you don’t see me bragging about it (they’re both pretty sweet tho tbh so I should). But more than anything I’m offended on behalf of Handsome Hank. This guy gets himself a viral video set to indie pop that he thinks people will actually pay to use and poor Hank’s drone voyage almost leaves his hand looking like a Simpsons character’s. What a sham. Fuck drone people.