Aroldis Chapman Tests Positive For Coronavirus After Originally Being Cleared For Team Activities At Yankee Stadium

Bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. Really bad. 

I understand it's going to be semi-common for players to test positive for coronavirus as teams gather together for the first time in months. It's not the end of the world if a few guys test positive as long as it's handled the right way and the protocols are followed. Overall the numbers from MLB have been very encouraging. The Yankees have already been dealing with DJ LeMahieu and Luis Cessa testing positive, but were able to get ahead of it and quarantine them before they started participating in baseball activities at Yankee Stadium for Spring Training 2.0. The big problem with Aroldis Chapman testing positive is that he's been on the field with the rest of the team over the last week. 

This means he passed his intake testing returning to the Bronx and then later caught corona at some point. Who the fuck knows who he gave the virus to? 

The early reports so far are that Chapman is doing well which is obviously good news, but the unknown of who he spread this to is the big concern. I'm talking a big fucking problem. People worried about how you replace Chapman in the bullpen moving forward are focussed on the wrong thing. You just have to hope he was able to keep himself distanced from others and the moment he began feeling symptoms he alerted the proper higher ups and quarantined himself. That's all you can hope for now. 
