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Weekend Wake Up: (281) 330-8004

Admit it, you saw that phone number in the title and immediately wanted to yell "WHO?", You know you did. Everyone who had a radio in 2004 knew who Mike Jones was, but you still had to yell "WHO IS MIKE JONES?!" or "WHO?" whenever you heard the song. Everyone and their mother called (281)330-8004, and everyone still knows that number by heart. I'd love to be at a bar tonight and yell "281" and see how many people finish the number. Mike Jones and Paul Wall had some absolute bangers back then, "Still Tippin" is still a jam too. He hasn't done much since, a few songs but nothing of note really. He was in Prison Break which I totally forgot about, but it still doesn't come close to "Back Then". Song was such a jam, and really has a deep message. Because it's true, back then, the hoes didn't want me. I won't apologize for having this song stuck in your head the rest of the day either, I just won't. 

PS. Maryland had a guy named Mike Jones who was an absolute knockdown shooter, guy was a stud. Pretty sure at one point he was ranked ahead of Lebron in their 2003 class. Guy would hit a 3 and the announcer would say "Mike Jones for 3" and the crowd would yell "WHO?". It was awesome.