Alex Ovechkin Says The Coliseum Won't Be As Loud As The Verizon Center

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I dont know if this is some sort of Russian humor I’m not understanding. Maybe Ovechkin knows the Verizon Center has been noticeably quiet both games of this series and he’s just cracking jokes. Maybe he already knows the Coliseum might be the loudest place in all of hockey and he’s just making tongue in cheek comments. I dont know if this is just a player saying the right things about his fans and the opposition’s. Or I dont know if Ovechkin actually believes this.

All I know is the thought that the Barn won’t be louder than the Verizon center was on Wednesday and Friday is laughable. Legit laugh out loud funny. I hope for Ovechkin’s sake it was a joke. Because when he steps on the ice at Fort Neverlose and hears 16,000 of the most loyal fans in all of hockey making the place shake, he’s not gonna know what hit him. As if the Islanders fans needed any bulletin board material to get loud. The Barn might actually collapse tomorrow afternoon.