Richard Sherman Takes To Twitter To Bitch About Cam Newton's Deal With The Patriots

Did you hear that???











That's the sound of no one asking Richard Sherman what he thought of Cam's deal with the Patriots. I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be an expert on this stuff, but I'm smart enough to know that sometimes it's not always about the money. Sometimes it's about employment. Sometimes it's about getting back into the swing of things after being sidelined for all but two games in the 2019 season due to a lisfran fracture in your left foot. Let's also not forget about the two surgeries in two years on his throwing shoulder, one of which was to repair a torn rotator cuff- an absolutely brutal injury. 

This whole thing just rubs me the wrong way. The tweet itself wasn't even accurate. The league minimum is $1,000,000/year, you boob. He got a deal worth up to $7.5 million. Which after he proves himself, which I think he will, would set him up for a long term deal in 2021 worth much, much more. Again, I'm no Jerry Thornton, but that seems to be the strategy here. So shut your mouth when you're talking about my quarterback, Rich. No one asked you. Take it away, Killa.