A Zillion Dollars If You Spot What Is Missing From This Photo Of IG Models In The Sun

[Editor’s Note: This is solely a Clickbate Smits production. All about the content, pageviews, and jokes!]

That's right...LITERACY!!!  They're only PRETENDING to read that book in order to stage an Instagram photo for the masses! That's really the ONLY thing missing from this photograph! Oh my word! Danielle really fooled us with that one!  Even so, they're looking to get some sun during the Coronavirus quarantine, let's just hope they both have anti-bodies or else fake book sharing on a blanket isn't the best example for social distancing!  6 feet apart, ladies!  Down with Covid-19!  But up with more Danielle!!!  We know you can really read, silly!

DANIELLE BREAK: Somebody check on Fortnight Boy and make sure he knows his job is ok...as long as I'm doing the PAGEVIEWS work for him!!!



Thank you Danielle!  Hooray for literacy!