Everything Stephen Jackson Has Done This Past Week Is Beautiful And Heartbreaking

I'm not going to have much to say in this blog because I simply want everyone to know what Stephen Jackson has been doing this last week just in case someone missed it. What he's doing in peaceful protests, different speeches, honoring his friend George Floyd and spending time with Floyd's family is perfect. Look at that video above of him with George Floyd's daughter. Mickstape said it perfectly. It's beautiful and heartbreaking. And I hope she's right. I'm begging she's right. I hope this changes the world for the better. 

He's promising to be there for Floyd's daughter, no matter what. Again, that's beautiful and heartbreaking: 

He's demanding justice as we all should

He's delivering powerful speech after powerful speech. Beautiful words day after day that is only happening because of a heartbreaking situation. 

Shout out Stephen Jackson.