Wake Up With Aron Baynes Turning Into Steph Curry

I don't know about you, but at a time like this I could use something that for a brief moment makes me smile. What fits that description better than watching Aron Baynes go nuclear and hit 9 threes? That is a sentence I didn't think I would ever type but that's exactly what happened right before the whole shutdown started. Ever since Brad Stevens first got his hands on Baynes he started to develop his outside shot. In 2017-18 Baynes made just 3 3PM all year. The next season that ballooned to 21. This year? Baynes has 59 3PM in just 42 games. It's a real weapon in his arsenal now and gives us all another reason to love this man. Anyone who has watched Baynes play knows about his awesome defense, incredible accent, and according to Tommy Heinsohn his massive dick

But I can't say it gets better than watching him light it up from deep. Was that Aron Baynes or Steph Curry? Too hard to tell in my opinion.