Wake Up With Roy Halladay's Perfect Game Vs The Marlins

I thought it would only be right to start off today with the late Roy Halladay tossing his perfect game vs the Marlins. Tonight is the premier of the documentary "Imperfect" about Halladay's career and his passing. It will address the opioid addiction and his life after baseball, which spiraled out of control. There was a really good article that came out this week about Roy and his life, I recommend everyone take a look at it. Obviously it's tough reading all the stuff about a guy who was so well liked and respected, and a guy who was a god damn bulldog on the mound, I thought it was only right to show how good he really was. I know it's the Marlins, but a perfect game is a perfect game. As usual, Roy was on point this game, 11 Ks and 0s across the board in all other categories. Later on in 2010 he came one walk away from pitching ANOTHER perfect game, this time against the Reds. Stud. An absolute stud. This documentary tonight is going to be tough to watch, I hope we see a lot of the good that Halladay did for the baseball world. 

PS. I had 0 clue today was the anniversary of this perfect game too. Creepy.