This Girl Using Kendall Jenner's Name To Get Into Exclusive Restaurants Is A Certified Genius

"Hi I'd like to make a reservation for 7:30 for two."

"Unfortunately we're booked for the entire evening."

"Oh it's for Kendall Jenner..." 






"How many people?"

"Oh it's for Kendall Jenner." That's literally all it takes. "OH IT'S FOR KENDALL JENNER." If you've ever wondered what it would be like to be super famous, that's it. There's no such thing as lines or waits or inconvenience. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want just because of your name. The world is a different place when you have a great face. Imagine how great that would be? To have rules not apply? Oh well. 

Hats off to whoever the girl is in that video. It's going to be awkward when she shows up without Kendall, but more power to her. She's a genius. I'm trying to think who I would say in Boston...Donnie Wahlberg? Scal? Gaz if it's at Stats? Who knows? Hopefully, this video didn't blow up her spot. It's be a shame if she had to wait in line like the rest of us.