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April Fools Day In The Cubes...Tread Lightly

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Today is the best day of the year in the cubes. April Fools. Its the worst fucking day of your life. Tricked you!

Nothing worse than April Fools Day strictly because it gives unfunny people carte blanche to try to be funny. And really, when you boil life down, thats the worst thing there is. Unfunny try hards thinking what they’re doing is hysterical when really its just cringeworthy. You wake up to an email that says work has been canceled and 10 minutes later another email that says April Fools. Thats not funny man, you actually just crushed some people’s souls. Promise people donuts for breakfast or a catered lunch and then you just don’t deliver and say “April Fools!” Thats not a prank, you’re just an asshole. All you’ve done is fuck with people’s lunch plans. Put tape over my mouse and rearrange the letters on my keyboard. Cover my office in Post its. Make airhorns blast off when I sit down. If you do any of those things, you can rest assured everyone in your office – and most likely your life as you know it – hates your guts.

I cant wait till the day we hear the story of someone just setting the office ablaze and when everyone is running for their lives and inhaling smoke they just yelled “April Fools!” Like, get it??? I hate everyone who works here, so I decided to set this place on fire and watch everyone perish! GOTCHA!

As always I want you to tweet me with all the pictures, videos, stories, descriptions of your office’s most cringeworthy April Fools “Pranks.” Send to @KFCbarstool and we’ll put together a blog of the best/worst bullshit of the day.