Watch Lee Greenwood Perform 'God Bless the USA' In Front of More Than 150,000 People

Maybe my favorite sporting event I've ever been to was the Battle at Bristol between Tennessee and Virginia Tech in 2016. You have not experienced college football until you've watched a game with more than 150,000 people in the middle of a NASCAR track.

But everything surrounding the game was what made it so cool, including Lee Greenwood performing "God Bless the USA" — my favorite song about this great nation — at halftime. This was the most American I have ever felt in my life. Obviously the video doesn't really do it justice, but just know this was an absolutely incredible performance. This game was just one giant celebration of freedom and this was the icing on the cake.

Jennifer Nettles's rendition of the National Anthem in front of the same crowd wasn't too shabby, either.

I'm so thankful to live in a country where we can go watch college football or do whatever else we want to do because of the people who have dedicated their lives to protecting those freedoms, and in some cases those who gave their lives. Thank you to anyone who has served this country and allows us to continue living in the greatest country on Earth.