Tom Brady And Phil Mickelson Perfectly Sum Up How The Coronavirus Has Changed Golf Celebrations

Fuck coronavirus for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many reasons and one of them being screwing up golf celebrations. Because this is what golf celebrations are gonna look like for the foreseeable future and that fucking sucks man. It sucks a whole lot. It doesn't suck as much as other horrific side effects of the coronavirus pandemic but it still sucks. Tom Brady drains a putt for eagle during alternate shot and he can't even properly celebrate with his pal Phil Mickelson who put him there. If you haven't already experienced an awkward moment like that on the golf course with your pals, you will. It's gonna happen and, like I've already said a thousand times in this blog, it fucking sucks. The world done changed.