Wake Up With Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine


God dammit I remember listening to Hot Fuss on my CD player over and over and over again, not skipping a song. It dropped in June 2004, so I was still 15, and I vividly recall being amazed by how good it was. And the album kicks off with this track, Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine, which was never officially a single, but I'm pretty sure everyone in the world knows it anyway. "Mr. Brightside", "Somebody Told Me", "All These Things That I've Done" and "Smile Like You Mean It" get all the shine (holy shit imagine having all 4 of those songs on your debut record, lol) but Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine is right up there with them for my money. What a chune. Happy Friday everone.


PS: When I said this came out in 2004 did you feel old as hell? Time flies.