Fred Durst Wants You To Know That He's Definitely Not Robert Durst


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Love it.  Fred Durst (who is apparently Ben Affleck’s doppelgänger) wearing a NOT ROBERT sweatshirt to let you know that he’s definitely not the guy who killed at least 3 people and probably a bunch more that we don’t know about.  This is obviously a tongue-in-cheek response to the AP confusing Fred for Robert while all of this The Jinx and Bob Durst getting arrested again in New Orleans is going on.  This does being up another question.  What has Fred Durst been up to all these years?  Maybe it’s time for a comeback.  Parlay this weird Robert Durst relevancy and put out another album.  I’d listen.  Maybe really play this up and name the album NOT ROBERT.  Okay now I want it to happen.  Do it, Fred.  Do it.


PS- As a guy who loves hooded sweatshirts when I first saw Fred’s I thought to myself, “Damn, that’s awesome.  Might have to get me one of those if they sell ‘em.”  But then I realized there’s pretty much only one person in the world who can wear that and have it make sense and it’s Fred Durst.  LUCKY.





