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New York Post Writer And Miserable Person Phil Mushnick Is Mad CC Sabathia Lost Weight

A picture of CC Sabathia recently surfaced that showed off his impressive weight loss and new ripped body. Sabathia was known as being a fat pitcher for his entire playing career. Hubbs blogged about it the other day, but Sabathia basically had to be fat to be a good pitcher. He tried losing weight during his career, and it hurt his on-field performance. So CC selflessly decided to stay fat for the good of the team. Now that he's retired, he's decided to work on his health and get in shape. Pretty awesome, right? Not to Phil Mushnick. 

For those of you that are unfamiliar Phil Mushnick, he's a cranky, old piece of shit who writes about sports and sports media for the New York Post. He writes 2-3 columns a week when he's not taking one of his many vacations, and just complains about everything. It's the most negative column in the world. In today's column where he was mad about the MLB potentially reopening, he had this to say about Sabathia's weight loss. 

Sometimes a picture provokes a thousand words. In late March, a photo of Yankees closer Aroldis Chapman was both stunning and suspicious as his arms appeared to have had extra-large anvil implants.

This week a photo of slimmed-way-down CC Sabathia was distributed showing a lot less of CC to see-see. Throughout his career he looked like a sack of laundry stuffed into an industrial-sized dryer when he pitched.

Given that Sabathia, bad knees added, was conspicuously overweight — borderline obese — when he pitched, why would he choose the first year of his retirement to get into shape? And then why would he rub it in via photos? To show us just how good he might’ve been?

In 2017, Sabathia had the dead-serious self-entitlement to complain that it’s unfair for the Red Sox to try to bunt against him because he’s unable to field his position.

"He looked like a sack of laundry stuffed into an industrial-sized dryer when he pitched." Just an over the top shot at Sabathia that makes little to no sense. 

He also is accusing CC of "rubbing it in." What the hell does that mean? Everyone, myself especially, knows that the best part of getting in shape is just to brag about it. I'm sure Sabathia is proud of his progress, as he should be. It's certainly not "showing us just how good he might've been." Mushnick acts like Sabathia underachieved in his career. Sabathia is a probable Hall Of Famer with 251 wins, over 3,000 strikeouts, a Cy Young Award, and a World Series. Apparently those are not enough achievements for this grumpy old prick. 

His article also completely fails to mention that Sabathia did lose weight multiple times during his career, but it just made him a worse pitcher. It's not like Sabathia hasn't tried it. He actually stayed fat and put his own health in jeopardy, leading to a heart surgery before the 2019 season, just because it made him a better pitcher. Talk about being a great teammate. 

Most New Yorkers are familiar with Mushnick's antics. He's a genuinely terrible person. Every column is just a laundry list of complains. He points out every little error an announcer or sports media personality makes, as if he himself is the perfect human being. And I don't want to accuse anyone of being racist, but he's certainly had his fair share of eyebrow raising comments. 

Here's a list of Mushnick's greatest hits. 

-Accusing Gary Sanchez of knowing nothing about baseball (Yankee teammates rip Mushnick in response)

-Saying the White Sox shouldn't associate with Chance The Rapper

-Getting upset that Kendrick Lamar and Lil Wayne get to appear on ESPN because they say the n-word in their rap songs. 

-Ripping into Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson's podcast, leading to this response

-Being mad that Jay-Z chose black and white as the Nets new colors, writing this

"Why the Brooklyn Nets when they can be the New York N——s? The cheerleaders could be the Brooklyn B—-hes or Hoes. Team logo? A 9 mm with hollow-tip shell casings strewn beneath. Wanna be Jay-Z hip? Then go all the way!"

That actually got published in a major newspaper, and he got a ton of backlash. 

Notice any trends? The guy just continues to be the worst of the worst and today's garbage take on CC Sabathia is yet another example.