University of Mary Washington's Entire Rugby Team Disbanded After A Few Of Them Sang a Song About Banging a Whore

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Source - One chilly afternoon in late November 2014, a few dozen students at the University of Mary Washington gathered in a house about a half mile off their Fredericksburg, Virginia, campus for a party at a house rented by rugby players. For a Sunday, the mood was raucous, with students belting bar chants in celebration of a recent victory. Then, as the singing escalated in enthusiasm and obscenity, one party attendee surreptitiously took his cell phone out of his pocket and began recording. The video didn’t capture any faces; its camera remained fixed on a coat for the duration of the recording. Audio of the incident, obtained by Jezebel, captures raspy, jubilant male voices, occasionally buttressed by female laughter.


The lyrics included the following:

Finally found a whore (Finally found a whore!)
She was right and dead. (She was right and dead!)
Well god damn son of a bitch we’re gonna get it in! (God damn son of a bitch we’re gonna get it in!)

Finally got it in (Finally got it in!)
Wiggle it all about (Wiggle it all about!)
God damn son of a bitch I couldn’t get it out (God damn son of a bitch we couldn’t get it out!)

Finally got it out (Finally got it out!)
It was red and sore (It was red and sore!)
Moral of the story is never fuck a whore!


On Wednesday, March 18, four months after the incident, the administration handed down a decisive verdict: the entire men’s rugby team would be dissolved indefinitely, and all 46 members of UMW’s Mother’s Rugby would be required to attend sexual assault training classes. First, while several students and faculty members who spoke with me stated that the house hosting the party was a “men’s rugby house,” multiple sources close to the team tell Jezebel that the house—located about half a mile from campus—is leased by two rugby players and a third female roommate who is not on the team. The November party was not an official team function, and only one of the rugby team members who is actually on the lease was in attendance. Furthermore, school administrators and sources close to the team agree that of the 46 players on the team, only eight were present at the house party on the night of the recording; the other 38 were in Maryland for a game, according to two individuals affiliated with the program.


Ok, this is insane. Just INSANE. You literally can’t do anything anymore without fear of it getting loaded up onto YouTube or Facebook and everyone freaking the fuck out and overreacting out of fear of backlash. How does the university not stand behind their students here? It’s like the oldest soccer/rugby song in the world. I lived with soccer players my freshman year and they had a teammate from Ireland and he taught us all the soccer chants. They’re hilarious. The fact 8 rugby players sang a song at a party and now the entire team is dismantled and forced to take sexual assault classes is crazy. It’s beyond crazy. Why can’t we just sit and think about if the punishment fits the crime here? Just make them issue an apology, shit, even suspend the guys who sang the song, and move on. Kicking every student off the team though? Does anyone truly feel unsafe because they sang a 100 year old song? I mean give me a fucking break. This is just nuts. I hope they reconsider. Terrible, terrible decision.