Catch Up On 'Dave' - The Best Show On TV Right Now - Before The Season Finale Tonight

Just a couple of weeks ago, I blogged about Lil Dicky's new semi-biographical show 'Dave'. It's on FXX and Hulu. 

I affectionately referred to the show as a mixture of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm', 'Master of None', 'Atlanta', and just memes in general(?) just three episodes in, but as we sit here a day away from the Season 1 Finale (Episode 10), I feel a lot more comfortable calling it the best show on television right now. It's my personal favorite, at least!

All season long I've looked forward to new episodes hitting Hulu on Thursdays (it airs live on FXX Wednesdays at 10pm), and I haven't been disappointed in the slightest with one. It's just been home-run after home-run, week-in and week-out - where the show has me doubled over from laughing so hard one minute - and then it hits emotions I had no idea it was even capable of hitting the next and I'm sobbing! If you've seen this past week's know what I mean. 

Even the episodes that focus less on Dave (Lil Dicky), and more on the side characters, GaTa and Elz, turned out to be phenomenal, and undeniable highlights of the season. It's pretty rare that shows are able to achieve that! 

It's just brilliantly written from top-to-bottom, it features a stellar cast of legitimately funny people, it's got some classic Lil Dicky moments in it already - I mean, I honestly cannot say enough great things about 'Dave'. It comes with the highest of recommendations from me and I know a bunch of others at Barstool are watching and agree as well. 

Catch up now before the finale tonight (or Thursday on Hulu) and tweet me to let me know what you think! 

Now here's a couple Lil Dicky freestyles for your time...