Rudy Giuliani Says Obama Should Be More Like Bill Cosby

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NYDN – Just when you thought Rudy Giuliani couldn’t get crazier, the former NYC mayor blamed Obama for the brutal beatdown at a Brooklyn McDonalds — and said the president should be more like Bill Cosby. Obama is ignoring “enormous amounts of crime” committed by African-Americans, Giuliani said Thursday. And he said President Obama is to blame for the brawl inside a McDonald’s in Brooklyn as well as the shooting of two cops in Ferguson because of the anti-police “tone” coming from the White House. The former mayor, speaking on AM970 radio this morning, was asked what he thought about a number of disturbing issues in the news. Host John Gambling asked for Giuliani’s take on the vicious McDonald’s fight, the recent police shootings in Ferguson and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton getting booed Thursday at a City Council hearing by protesters.  “It all starts at the top. It’s the tone that’s set by the President,” Giuliani said. He added he just returned from a multi-city trip overseas and the United States is constantly derided there as a “racist state.” “It is the obligation of the President to explain … that our police are the best in the world,” said Giuliani. He also said Obama should have used his “bully pulpit” to stop protests in Ferguson over the summer, but didn’t.  Obama is also not addressing the “enormous amount of crime” that’s being committed by African-Americans due to “historical” reasons, Giuliani said. “I hate to mention it because of what happened afterwards, but (he should be saying) the kinds of stuff Bill Cosby used to say,” said Giuliani. Cosby, before his public image was tarnished with a slew of rape allegations, had spoken frequently and often in blunt terms about how African-Americans needed to focus more on education, be better parents and avoid lives of crime. Giuliani, who was roundly criticized for saying Obama wasn’t patriotic, made a point of saying a few nice things about the President. “I disagree with Barack Obama on almost everything, but I think he’s a good family man and a good man,” said Giuliani.

If there’s one person the President of the United States should be modeling himself after, its the 25-time rapist Bill Cosby. Holy moly, Rud. I know you got a grudge against Obama, cant blame ya. I even understand the point you were trying to make. But I’ll tell you whats a SUREFIRE way to end up looking like an asshole in the media right now – and thats telling people they should emulate a dude who probably raped like 30 chicks over the course of several decades. Find another person who speaks openly about the African American community focusing on education and denouncing crime. I GUARANTEE there are about a million respectable members of society that agree with that sentiment who arent afraid to voice their opinions who also havent drugged dozens of women and had sex with them while passed out. Not sure we should be putting Bill Cosby up on the pedestal right now when it comes to life lessons and advice on social behavior.