You're Never Going To Believe This But The SlipKnot Brothers Got In A Knife Fight And One Stabbed The Other In The Head

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(Source)Clive police reported the two brothers were fighting and armed with knives in the front yard of a home in the 1900 block of Northwest 129th Street at about 4:25 a.m., according to a news release. At first the brothers were fighting inside the home, but moved outside after it got physical. When officers arrived, they found the brothers, both apparently drunk, with serious but not life-threatening stab wounds. Mickeal Thomson had a stab wound in the back of his head. They were taken to hospitals in separate ambulances.



Shocking, shocking news. Remember that band of psychopaths who only performed in masks and caused the lonely white kids in your middle school to dress like they might shoot up the place/slit their wrists at any second? Yeah, turns out they have knife fights for fun and stab each other in the back of the head. I know, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor too. I will give them credit for taking it outside though. That takes some levelheadedness that I didn’t expect out of those guys. They were standing in the living room, armed with knives, and had the rationality to think Whoa whoa whoa, guys. Let’s not be stupid here. If we’re going to knife fight let’s do it in the front yard. Don’t want to get blood on the new rug, heard that’s as tough to get out as a rich CabSav. Can’t be any more reasonable than that.