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Breaking Down Netflix's Newest Teen Drama - 'Outer Banks' - with Ria

Yeeeaaaah, that's right, mothafuckas! You read that headline correctly! Read it and weep! Read it again!

Breaking Down Netflix's Newest Teen Drama 'Outer Banks' With Ria

It's usually the shit like this (or my tweets about Pixar movies making me cry) that incites riots in my mentions among the MMA hardos who @ Dave and say, "YOU MEAN 2 TELL ME THAT THIS SOYBOY IS UR FUCKIN UFC GUY? HOW BOUT YOU GET SOMEONE THAT WATCHES FIGHTS INSTEAD OF DAWSON'S CREEK REBOOTS TO COVER FIGHTS!!!1" - but I'm here to tell ya - I don't care! I don't care one bit! 

This 'Outer Banks' show? Fucking electric. It's like 'The Goonies' meets 'One Tree Hill', with a ramped up level of ridiculousness pulled straight outta the 'Fast & The Furious' playbook. Every single episode is more dramatic absurd, unrealistic - and somehow better - than the last. It's straight up ADDICTING, too. It didn't even take me a full day to be done with the entire season, and Ria (and Hank!) was the same way. She was actually the one who recommended it in the first place, which, I guess, makes sense.

If you start watching 'Outer Banks', you may just be glued to the screen until the finale wraps up - and if you do that, come back and listen to this podcast, because we've got a lot to discuss.