I Could Listen To Bill Walton Tell Larry Bird Stories For The Rest Of Time

Whenever you put Bill Walton in front of a microphone, it's going to be wildly entertaining. The man is a legend in every sense of the word. But when you give him a mic and tell him to drop some Larry Bird stories? Well now we're cooking. I know this was only a 57 second clip but it might be the best 57 second story I've ever heard. Larry Bird is like a tropical island? A statement only Bill Walton could come up with yet it works perfectly. That's what makes Walton so special. Larry spending all his time figuring out ways he was going to destroy his opponents? That's exactly how I envision Larry spending every second of his life during his playing days. 

Maybe it's because I'm super jealous of the MJ documentary, but I wish there was something similar for the Legend. I've seen pretty much every Larry Bird documentary that exists, and I can only imagine how awesome it would be if suddenly there was this massive release of never before seen footage/stories. So jealous that Bulls fans get to experience that with their own legend. I'm still holding out hope that footage like that exists and once whoever has it sees the response of The Last Dance they'll drop the Larry Bird nuke on us.

Think of how awesome it would be to dive even deeper into one of the best trash talkers in NBA history

and someone who did shit like this on the regular

sigh…..a blogger can dream.