ESPN Dropped 5 Minutes Of The Last Dance And It Looks Incredible

I think we're all counting down the seconds until Sunday at 9pm when the first episode of the MJ documentary drops. April 19th at first sounded like a date that would never arrive and here we are just a few days away. No idea where the last few weeks went since they first announced the new release date at the end of March, but that's quarantine life for ya. You blink and it's basically a month later. But what I do know is I absolutely wanted to see a 5 minute clip of the first episode. Inject that shit right into my veins. I know we like to hate on ESPN and all, but ever since they were bullied into releasing this thing early I will say whatever nice things I have to in order for them to keep giving us little nuggets like this until Sunday. We need it.

Even though it was just 5 minutes, I think we can all agree it was more than enough to show us this documentary series is going to be incredible. Not that we didn't know that already, but this confirmed it for me. Hearing Jordan talk about he wouldn't let the nerds dictate a rebuild and all that shit got my blood pumping. They promised us inside access and it sure as shit looks like that's exactly what we're going to get. This is going to be awesome for basketball fans everywhere, but even more so for Bulls fans. Hurry up calendar, get me to Sunday night because here's a live look at yours truly after watching that clip 50000000 times