Simone Biles Undressing Herself While Doing A Handstand Is The Most Athletic Thing I've Ever Seen

You ever try to do a handstand? Same. You ever succeed? Me either. Unless I'm in at least four feet of water, the crown of my head is plummeting directly into the earth every time. That or my shoulders tear and I go head over heals. Handstands in general are absolutely impossible. Every muscle in your body has to be tensed up otherwise you die. Which is what makes her challenge all the more impressive. Granted she should be able to do this given her credentials...

(THIRTY medals nbd)  

but still, she makes Jake Gyllenhaal look like a goober.  She's also 4'8". Kinda wild right? That's like Zah's height. Maybe he can do a hand stand? Probably not. He's built more like a Weeble. Regardless, I love Simone so I wanted to blog this. Maybe I'll have a few cocktails and try it myself. Bow down to the queen!