Wimbledon Has Been Cancelled For The First Time Since World War II


Wimbledon was just cancelled for the first time since World War II. Not postponed, it's just cancelled. I thought there was a chance it could still be held without fans since it's completely non-contact and the start date isn't until the end of June, but nope...cancelled. So much for waking up at 6am in the middle of the summer to gamble on some tennis to start the day.

I know many of you don't give a shit about tennis and that's fine, but the real news here is that public officials are looking all the way ahead to the end of June/early July and cancelling events. That's not good. I'm really starting to accept the fact that there will be no sports played in 2020. Anything we get will be gravy at this point the way things are headed. 

Here's 100 of Federer's wins at the all England club to get you to kill 18 minutes.