Dude Doing Play By Play For Titanic and Other Random Movies And TV Shows Is Pretty Entertaining

Evan Pivnick on Instagram

This dude is just a random follower of mine on IG. DM'd me with this Titanic vid. I think he did some low level hockey commentating but I cant get enough of this. When I saw it was "Quanzaya vs CABBAGE" on Jerry Spring I lost it. His professional broadcaster voice saying those names was gold. Also the hint of condescension in his voice in the Titanic video saying that "Jack, who previously made the promise to 'never let go'...HES LETTING GO!" Would love for a little color commentary on how there was CLEARY enough room for two people to float on that door:

Mythbusters fucking proved it

Anyway, back to Evan Pivnick, who is my new favorite play by play announcer, I somehow found the traffic broadcast to be the most entertaining. Maybe thats just the desperation settling in that I want to hear some sort of sports broadcast, but I think this guy legit has a gift to paint a picture with words. 

I challenge anybody who's got the play by play chops to give it a whirl. He called it hashtag #playbyplayofanythingatall which is kind of a mouthful. I say we just call it #QuarantinePlayByPlay and see if we cant stir up some entertaining content. Do classic movies, historical moments, old sports moments, cartoons, whatever. I'll post the best ones here.