FSU Asks Baseball Season Ticket Holders To Donate The Remainder Of Their Balance For Cancelled Season To The Athletic Department

I get it. Every business in America is having a really hard time right now. However, the lack of self-awareness right here is astounding. Have you seen the stock market, FSU? Have you seen the unemployment rate predictions? Have you turned on the news?!?!?

FSU baseball and softball are not essential. I'd assume most people who own season tickets to these sports do so with spare money. We are kind of going through a crisis right now and that spare money isn't going towards a donation to an athletic department that has dried up every last cent for the last however many years. 

If I was an FSU season ticket holder for baseball or softball, it is likely that I hold season tickets for football as well. With that being said, I'd respond in a simple way, "I'll refund my tickets for the remainder of the season if you refund me for the pathetic product you've put on the football field the past 4 years. Also, pay the kids." 

Or I'd just respond with this picture: