Zion Just Raised The Bar And Pledges To Cover The Entire Salaries Of Arena Workers For The Next 30 Days

The ink wasn't even dry yet on the Giannis/Blake blog as the latest NBA players to step up and donate 100K, and here comes Zion doing what he does best and dunking on everybody

I mean I have no idea how much this is going to be but my guess is more than 100K. Remember, this is a dude that is still on his rookie deal. Sure he has a ton of endorsements I'm sure, but it's not like some of the other players we've seen step up who are on max deals. 

At this point with more and more players coming forward and doing awesome stuff like this it makes it even more embarrassing for like 95% of the league's owners. We just had the Bucks come out and say they'll MATCH any donation a player gives to support arena staff but other than that it's been crickets from the majority of owners. While it's great that players are willing to help, this isn't on them. Hopefully this somehow publicly pressures owners to be more like Mark Cuban and less like rich dickheads who don't care about everyday people. A big ask I know, but man what a tough look.

Also, who cares even if there was a little PR motivation behind all these donations. You step up to the plate like this you deserve all the good PR in the world. Zion has always been different and clearly he's a kid who gets it. Hopefully the NBA season comes back and they finish out the regular season and the Basketball Gods reward him with some good karma and the Pelicans make the playoffs.