Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Tony Ferguson Is CURSED

At this point, it looks like Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Tony Ferguson probably isn't gonna happen at UFC 249. Not in Brooklyn, at least. If this fight were to - knock on wood - get cancelled, it would mark the fifth time in five years it has been booked and scrapped.

In 2015, it was a broken rib that forced Khabib to pull out of the fight about six weeks out.

In 2016, blood and other fluids filled the lungs of Tony Ferguson, and he pulled out eleven days before the fight.

In 2017, Khabib was hospitalized due to his weight cut (because he ate too much Tiramisu) and the fight was abandoned the day prior.

In 2018, six days out from the bout, ON APRIL FOOL'S DAY NO LESS, Tony Ferguson blew out his knee tripping over a wire on the ground because he refused to take his sunglasses off indoors. Seriously.

Now here we are, a little over a month away from one of the most highly anticipated and yearned-for fights in the history of combat the middle of a global pandemic shutting the entire fucking world down.

From what I've heard, the UFC plans on doing everything in their power to let this fight happen - even if they have to do it with no audience at the UFC Apex (where Dana White's Tuesday Night Contender Series is filmed) - but it's obviously too far out to know anything concrete. We all just want this thing to happen.

I haven't seen a curse this gruesome since the Rone Curse.