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A Plane Was Forced To Have An Emergency Landing Because...Someone Coughed And Sneezed

(Source)--Sunday’s diversion of the United Airlines flight to Newark International Airport illustrates growing concerns over the coronavirus outbreak that has infected more than 500 people in the U.S. and 100,000 people worldwide.

A small group of passengers became disruptive on Flight 1562 after they were seated next to someone who was sneezing and coughing, United Airlines officials told Denver media.

The passengers failed to follow crew members’ instructions, forcing the diversion to Denver, where the plane was met by police and the disruptive passengers removed, KUSA-TV reported.

Denver police officials said three people were upset about a sick person on the plane.

This is absolute BULLSHIT by these passengers. You absolutely can NOT be the cause of a flight landing under any circumstances. I don't care if you think a person has coronavirus. Watching cable news does not make you a doctor. This is one of those situations where there needs to be repercussions to stop being from acting out and losing their minds. One guy having the sniffles doesn't mean you can burn that person at the stake or worse, cause your plane to have an emergency landing. If you're causing a ruckus because you're afraid of another passenger then that passenger better be trying to light his shoes on fire or jerking off. That's it. It's binary. Is that person you're complaining about a terrorist/sex offender? No? Okay, then sit down, shut up, and maybe breathe through your shirt for the rest of the flight. We can't have mass hysteria at 30,000 feet. 

Calling someone out for having Coronavirus can't be a 2020 Salem Witch Trial. It needs to be like pushing all your chips into the center of the table. The person pointing the finger should have some skin in the game. You cause the plane to land and the guy in question doesn't have coronavirus then you need to be punished. I personally think the people who caused the plane to land should be forced to get Coronavirus and placed on a no-fly list for a year. That might even be getting off easy considering anyone who does this is basically a domestic terrorist themselves. If that person does have it, I don't know, free wifi on the next flight. I'd probably rather risk getting corona than have my travel impacted.