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Taking You Into The Weekend With Steph Curry's Best Plays Of The Decade

With rumors swirling that Steph will be making his return this weekend (as I blog this I still haven't seen the definitive word), I figured what better way to honor the potential return of one of the NBA's deadliest shooters than with a big time highlight reel. While I do think it's silly for GS to even have him play at all and risk their potential lottery standing, the basketball purist in me is happy Steph is back in our lives again. Staying up way past our bedtimes to watch him go nuts and bomb threes from 40 feet was so goddamn fun, this season has missed that. Sure Trae Young is doing his thing and filling that void, but there's nothing like Cocky Steph. You just know he's going to come back and have the ultimate green light to remind everyone of what we've been missing and I cannot wait to see it. 

Seeing as how it's late on a Friday, if you clicked on this blog you are 100% looking for something to help get you over the hump and into the freedom of the weekend, I can't think of a better time waster than 13 minutes of Steph Curry doing ridiculous shit on the basketball court, which he most certainly has been doing for a decade plus. So sit back, hit play, and enjoy the show.

Have a great weekend everybody!